Ordering and FAQ

How can I order a cover?
Simply e-mail me at shayla.mist@gmail.com stating the name of the cover, the title and author name. Mention any way you want me to customize it. Keep in mind that I will charge 10 extra dollars if you want me to change the background image. I will also charge 10 dollars if you want to additionally order a header for your blog using my cover image.
Once I confirm receiving your email, you must send me the money via Paypal. I will not start deliver the cover until I have been paid. Please understand.

Why are your covers so cheap? Is this a scam?
This is not a scam! I am a writer and I know how much tears and sweat writers put in creating their books. I also know the monetary rewards are far below their expectations and way less than they deserve for their hard work. As a struggling author, finding affordable covers is next to impossible. Many designers charge an arm and a leg for their works, which isn't to say they're scammers, but they simply use too expensive resources or they believe they deserve to charge a fortune for spending their precious time making covers. 

I try to use free pictures or very cheap stock photos for all of my covers, as well as free-for-commercial-use brushes, textures and fonts. That, of course, has the disadvantage that many other authors may use the same pictures for their covers. If you're willing to get past that and accept the fact that your cover might not be 100% unique, then my premades are the right choice for you. 

If, however, you want more expensive images be used on your covers, you can hire me to make you a custom cover. The cost will be much higher, but your cover will stand out more.

Whichever your choice, keep in mind that any image can be creatively edited so that even low cost or free images can make for a unique cover. You can check how many times an images has been used for covers by searching it though the Google images database. 

What payment methods do you accept?
I only accept Paypal payment. Thank you for your understanding.

What is your response time?
I will take your order in 48 hours max. If, by any chance, I will not be in town or have any business that will render me unable to take your order, I will post a notice on the website. As long as there is no such notice, I will be open for business.

Can you make me a custom cover?
Absolutely. But you'll have to keep in mind that it might cost you more than the pre-mades, depending on the cost of the stock and the rounds of edits it will go through. You'll have to e-mail me with the specifics of what you want, I will give you some cost options and you can then choose which option you like best.

If you have more questions leave me a comment below or email me at shayla.mist@gmail.com.

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